Tag Archives: NJOA

Proper Storage Practices for Children’s Vaccinations

children vaccine storage best practices

When it comes down to it, proper storage and handling is one of, if not the, most important factor regarding vaccines- especially when it comes to immunizations for preventable childhood illnesses. Improper care of immunizations can prove the efforts of many for naught, as not only can mishandled vaccinations decrease effectiveness, but can also lead to major financial loss in pointless vaccines and revaccinations, as well as overall distrust and skepticism in patients.

How to Prepare Your Clinic for the Flu Season

how to prepare clinic for flu season

Whether you’re a health care professional at a local clinic or a state hospital, you play a significant role in helping protect your patients against influenza. Because of the disease’s severity, flu season can create a monumental burden on the healthcare system. However, preparation and patient outreach during flu season will allow your facility to better compete in a crowded marketplace, all while protecting the health of your patients.

The Vaccine Storage Unit Used In NJHOA 2011 Study Was FridgeFreeze

A FridgeFreeze vaccine storage unit was used at the New Jersey Health Officers Association Mass Vaccination Exercises on June 12, 2011. A summary of the exercise is published in the NJHOA Mass Vaccination Exercises Best Practices Report, which was created in collaboration with the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services and Rutgers University’s New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Office of Continuing Professional Education.